At the time of launching the New CBR250R ago, Honda also showcased CBR250RMugen-style modification. Mugen itself is synonymous with the Honda car modifications, but this time Mugen tries to give a touch of minor modifications to the product of NewCBR250R motorcycles worldwide. This motor is going to present his own plan to Indonesiain January 2011, TPTnya itself dah diajuin AHM November 11, yesterday.

Changes made in New CBR250R Mugen this time include Sport Exhaust Muffler replacedwith Mugen style to boost power and performance, velgnya black with red color and labeledMugen, To give the impression of fierce and sporty CBR250R New Livery livery replacedwith a line of red wind with the front fenders and seatnya the red, the fuel tanks are coloredgold color line, and of course the addition of other accessories such as step-kit-style racing,steer steering in the middle handlebar and aluminum oil cap.

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