Forget the Germans, Italians and the Japanese - a company from the Czech Republic may soon start producing a V6-engined, 240-horsepower motorcycle...!
We don’t know what those Czechs have been drinking, but it must all be some really heady stuff. Back in 2004, Miroslav Felgr, based in the Czech Republic, said he wanted to build a motorcycle that was fitted with one hell of a big engine. He then started working with an engineer – Oldřich Kreuz – towards actually getting that engine ready. By the year 2008, Kreuz was ready with the engine, which turned out to be a 2442cc, liquid-cooled, 90-degreeV6 that produces 240 horsepower and more than 200Nm of torque. Estimated mileage is 12-16km/l - not too bad for the biggest, most powerful (?) normally-aspirated motorcycle engine in the world.
Moto FGR’s V6 motorcycle project is supported by the Czech Republic’s Ministry of Industry and Commerce. With their help, FGR invited aspiring motorcycle designers to design a motorcycle that would be fitted with the aforementioned V6 engine. According to the information available on the company’s website, as many as 45 people participated in the design competition and the winner was one Stanislav Hanuš, who is responsible for the prototype bike you see here.
FGR have been testing this Midalu 2500 V6 prototype for about a year and provided they can continue to finance the project (and, hopefully, identify a sufficient number of prospective buyers…), they might go on to put this machine into limited production. A V6-engined, 240bhp motorcycle from the Czech Republic? Hell, yes! After all, for a country that’s produced all these supermodels, how bad can they be with high-performance motorcycles…
Visit the Moto FGR website here
Via Hell for Leather
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