Sunday, November 27, 2011

Lexus Aileron Design Concept 2014

Lexus Aileron Design Study by Jiyun Seo Reviews 600x354 Lexus Aileron Design Study by Jiyun Seo Reviews
Lexus Aileron Design Study by Jiyun Seo Reviews
As we know that an inspiration if applied properly it will be a masterpiece, this is done by a designer named Jiyun Seo. He can change the principles of origami into an actual design.
Something strange, but that is what is achieved by an Seo who wrote the Aileron Project Lexus. He wanted to make a Aileron concept on a Lexus Aileron.
In terms of aeronautics, Aileron is the actual device is a hinged aileron flight controls attached to the trailing edge of the wing to help maintain aircraft control and stability.
Seo Jiyun want to use this principle as a design study that could eventually turned the car into something that allows air to pass through thus Lexus Aileron can have the speed increased, and fuel efficiency. Besides Lexus Aileron can also weigh less.
Lexus Aileron Design Study by Jiyun Seo Top View Lexus Aileron Design Study by Jiyun Seo Reviews
Lexus Aileron Design Study by Jiyun Seo Top View
Lexus Aileron Design Study by Jiyun Seo Back Angle 600x354 Lexus Aileron Design Study by Jiyun Seo Reviews
Lexus Aileron Design Study by Jiyun Seo Back Angle


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