» Honda Scoopy Design Ride it
After we have designed a screw MS's version of Future Concept Bike Co. 's previously. Iwould like to have a car like this color scheme. We have designed it. This is known as apopular design type "of IT RIDE ever. We have designed a sticker for mounting on the car,screw MS's direct model, especially with my copy's of Fun Series, the Concepts Spotcolor including white, black and blue, so we have. this will create a set of stickers for fansto enjoy RIDE iT. The colorful design of the car. The budget is not large. Do not have to dismantle. It can be done beautifully. In a short time here.
im interested to buy the stickers for this scoopy. email me at jinggo@hotmail.sg
if you interest with scoopy design Ride it,you can visit URL mocyc or 73 madiun..
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