Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Matik Skutik Duel: Yamaha XEON VS Honda Vario CBS Techno

Dear brothers and sis, I think sales of motorcycles in the future will be dominated by the type of scooter, besides simple mounts of this type is very suitable to the condition of urban roads that tend to jam. Type scooter easier to drive, just twist the gas motor can go smoothly, it happens because Skutik technology brings continuously variable transmission (CVT) which was adopted from the car.

Feud top manufacturers in-country is still dominated by Yamaha & Honda; duel between them is never over. In this segment Yamaha is still slightly superior to the Honda, so it is only natural if Yamaha wanted to maintain its superiority with the launch of this brand-new scooter Type on Friday 30 April 2010 at X2 Club - Plaza Senayan Lt.4, 15.00. Woowww ... all the 'X' ya ... Type Skutik beginning with 'X' & launching in 'X2 Club' which is also beginning with 'X'. Hmmm ... nice branding co ... Hehehe ...

In the chest the second variant of this scooter has adopted double headlamp, hmmm ... just select which one, like a tapered or rounded ...
It appears the right front side of the two variants are equally accentuate the body with a sweet design lines ...
Display panel speedometer second variant, the Xeon & Vario Techno-left-right on. Looks more simple Xeon impressed while Vario was more spacious.
The added value Skutik Yamaha Xeon 125 (apart from size cc) is on the use of materials & Forged Piston Cylinder Diasil supposedly more robust & durable high, for that Party dared Yamaha 5 tahun/50.000 mile warranty.
While excess Skutik Honda Vario Techno CBS, is the security aspect, namely the application of Comby Brake System (CBS) which can assist braking, the system is good both front and rear wheels can stop almost simultaneously, so as to avoid the tire is locked when there is breaking Panic braking. Besides its side stand switch can also make the engine off when the standard is opened. Plus the parking brake lock feature.
Well, the last of course is in terms of PRICE ... For the determination of the exact price will make this Skutik selling well. Vario Techno CBS has officially released the price of Rp.15.5 Million, and even then we must patiently wait 1 to 2 months.
Maybe the opportunity is being viewed by the Yamaha when launching the Mr. 'X' (Xeon 125) is, while also providing new options for consumers are disappointed at having to indent long to bring home Vario Techno. Staying now will be appreciated how the Mr. 'X', would head to head with CBS Vario Techno loser in the capacity of the machine but superior in safety features.
Or is it the-Mr. 'X' will be used as' weapons of mass destruction massal' his Yamaha to kill type Vario Techno CBS by providing a pro-consumer price is about 14 Millions.
With any type cc Vario above, an attractive body design as well as 5-year warranty for Forged Piston & Cylinder Diasil her make anyone would consider to glance at the Mr. 'X' this. So, the choice is yours ...!


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